Drug addiction often goes untreated, and it is estimated that over 20 million people in the U.S. alone are in need of drug addiction treatment and have not received it. Treating drug addiction comes with a wide array of challenges, due to the varying needs, circumstances and problems that each individual faces when being treated. The more successful and effective drug addiction treatment methods incorporate many components to address all aspects of addiction. The overall goal of any drug addiction treatment method is to help the individual come off of drugs and maintain their sobriety so that they can begin living a productive life. To do this, the drug addiction treatment method must address a broad spectrum of issues that could be associated with or the cause of the individual's drug use including medical, psychological, social, vocational, and legal problems. It is also important that the drug addiction treatment method accommodate the individual's age, gender, ethnicity, and culture.
For a drug addiction treatment method to be effective, the individual should remain in treatment for an adequate amount of time. This can vary from individual to individual, and depends on history of drug use including the type of drug the individual is using and other factors which could take considerable time to address. For individuals struggling with long-term addiction, any drug addiction treatment method which takes less than 3 months is considered unsubstantial to significantly reduce or stop their drug use. Recovering from drug addiction takes a significant amount of time, and the longer the individual sticks to a drug addiction treatment method the better the results. Otherwise, they can put themselves at risk of relapse and end up right back in treatment. Better to stick it out and remain in treatment as long as it takes to get well.
Group and individual counseling is one drug addiction treatment method that is used in most if not all effective drug rehab programs. Through counseling, individuals in treatment can discover what may have caused their addiction issues and how to recognize things in their lives which must change in order to achieve long-term sobriety. Group sessions help individuals gain a different perspective regarding their addiction, as they will be able to see that others are experiencing the same challenges that they are and seek support from their peers. Counseling can also include family members as well, which is an important part of any successful drug addiction treatment method. This gives family members the opportunity to view addiction in a different light and understand it better, which can help them support the addict in recovery and afterward.
Behavioral treatments are another common drug addiction treatment method which helps individuals change their attitude and behaviors in relation to drug abuse. Behavioral treatment can increase the individual's ability to make healthier choices in their life so that they will remain sober and lead a more productive life. There are different types of behavioral therapy. Cognitive.behavioral therapy for example is aimed at helping individuals recognize, avoid, and cope with the situations in which they are most likely to use drugs. Behavioral therapy may also include motivational therapy which addresses the individual's motivation to change.
Medications are sometimes use as a drug addiction treatment method, and are used at all different stages of treatment. Medication is sometimes used during withdrawal when an individual is struggling with the physical symptoms which manifest themselves when someone suddenly stops using drugs. The medication is meant to suppress these withdrawal symptoms during detoxification. However, many individuals get through withdrawal and detox just fine without medication and it is not "treatment" in itself. Individuals who go through medically assisted detox but do not receive any further drug addiction treatment methods often revert back to drug use.
The medications methadone, buprenorphine, and for some individuals, naltrexone are used as part of a drug addiction treatment method to treat individuals who are addicted to heroin or other opioids. These medications affect the same areas of the brain as morphine and heroin, and help with cravings. Naltrexone blocks the effects of heroin or other opioids at their receptor sites and is typically used with individuals who have already been detoxed. Using these medications as a drug addiction treatment method for heroin and opioid addiction is meant to help individuals stop drug seeking and related criminal activities and reduce the risk of contracting blood-borne diseases due to needle-sharing and other risky behavior. However, these medications are not a cure for addiction and there a lot of negatives associated with this drug addiction treatment method. While on these medications an individual becomes dependent to them, and will experience similar if not even worse withdrawal if they try to come off of them. Many addicts describe this as going from being addicted to one drug, just to find oneself in the same boat with another. For this reason, some people stay on these medications for years, or even the rest of their lives.
Residential treatment is one of the most proven drug addiction treatment methods, especially for those with more severe problems. Individuals remain at the drug rehab facility anywhere from 3 months to as year where they can be in a therapeutic environment that is conducive to recovery. A residential drug rehab program is designed specifically to treat individuals who have struggled with addiction for some time and require more intensive treatment. This of drug rehab facility allows the individual to avoid any negative distractions and influences which may hinder rehabilitation. This type of drug addiction treatment method makes it possible for the individual to take the time to get to the root of addiction issues, so that they can have a better shot at long-term sobriety.
There are more short-term drug addiction treatment methods available, and an inpatient program which can last anywhere from a week to 30 days. This type of drug addiction treatment method is recommended for individuals with very little history of drug use, who require only a moderate amount of treatment. This type of drug rehab program typically delivers individual and group counseling as well as education to address addiction. A short term drug addiction treatment program may seem appealing for someone who wants to keep treatment short and sweet, but short-term treatment is not going to give individuals who have struggled with long-term addiction the results that they need to maintain any kind of long-term sobriety.
There is a drug addiction treatment method which works to get rid of the drugs that have deposited themselves in an individual's body fat, as these drug deposits may be reintroduced back into the bloodstream at any point and result in drug cravings and drug use. This drug addiction treatment method works to get rid of all remnants of drugs in the body by utilizing exercise, sauna and vitamin supplements to restore the individual's physical and mental health and aid in the overall recovery process. This drug addiction treatment method is entirely drug-free, meaning no medications are used in the treatment process. After the individual has rid their bodies of any remnants of drugs, this drug addiction treatment method then focuses on taking responsibility for one's actions and developing new skills for life and new ways to cope with life situations. This better prepares them for what they will experience in the real world once treatment is complete, so that they can maintain long-term sobriety.
Some drug addiction treatment methods address the need for gender-specific drug abuse treatment. The basis for this drug addiction treatment method is the belief that certain social and environmental factors affect males and females differently, all of which can influence the motivations for drug use. Due to circumstances which predominate in women as a whole, some drug addiction treatment methods are geared towards the unique challenges of women and their specific treatment needs. For example, studies have shown that physical and sexual trauma is more common in women seeking treatment than in men. This requires a specialized drug addiction treatment method, as more than drug addiction must be addressed to ensure the individual is fully rehabilitated. Other factors which can affect treatment outcomes and are unique to women are pregnancy and child care. All of these things must be taken into consideration when seeking an effective drug addiction treatment method.
By age eighteen, an estimated 12 percent of all youth in the United States are illicit drug users. Drug addicted youth often require a specialized drug addiction treatment method to fully resolve addiction issues. Adolescent drug abusers have unique needs as they are still developing as individuals and often have immature social skills and co-occurring psychological problems. Many youth who experience issues with drugs have also experienced physical and/or sexual abuse or are have serious academic difficulties. For example, statistics show that youth who report serious emotional problems are four times more likely to report alcohol dependence than those with low levels of emotional problems. Additionally, youth with serious emotional problems are approximately four times more likely than those with low levels of emotional problems to abuse illicit drugs such as cocaine, crack, inhalants, hallucinogens, heroin, or prescription drugs. Because adolescents are so sensitive to their environment and social cues, effective drug addiction treatment methods for youth includes extensive parental involvement and peer support which focuses on positive and healthy relationships.
The aging baby boomer generation has a greater history of lifetime drug use than previous generations, and the number of adults aged 50 or older with substance use problems is projected to more than double from 2.8 million in 2006 to 5.7 million in 2020 in the United States. Due to the age-related complexities of treatment older individuals, some require a tailored drug addiction treatment method. While there are no age-specific drug addiction treatment methods which are exclusive to older adults, current drug addiction treatment methods have been found to be as effective for older adults as they are for younger adults as long as the individual needs of the older adult are taken into consideration.
Many individuals enter drug rehab through the criminal justice system. The court system refers drug-related offenders into a variety of drug addiction treatment methods in a number of ways, including diverting non-violent offenders to treatment and making drug rehab mandatory as a condition of incarceration, probation, or release. It has been found that utilizing drug addiction treatment methods in this way can succeed in preventing an individual's return to criminal behavior, particularly when the drug addiction treatment method is part of a treatment plan to transition the individual back into society. Studies have proven that participation in a drug addiction treatment method does not need to be voluntary to be effective. It is so effective, that a Delaware study found that inmates who joined a drug rehab program in the prison system, and continued to get treatment in a program afterwards, were 70% less likely than those who did not participate in the program, to use drugs again.
With the variety of drug addiction treatment methods available, it is just a matter of choosing the method which is the best fit for you or a loved one and getting started on it as soon as possible. If financing is an obstacle, many drug rehab programs accept insurance and many offer a sliding fee scale which is based on one's income. Speak with a drug treatment professional to discover which drug addiction treatment methods are available in your area and take the first step to a new life today.