What makes children prone to drug addiction? Children in Tiverton and around the world become involved either due to pressure from friends, alienation with parents due to divorce and sexual or verbal abuse, bad performance in studies etc. A lot of problems are created by parents having high expectation from children and comparing them with others. Since the emotional faculties in children are unable to bear the brunt of our behavior towards them, it is essential to train ourselves before talking to them.
What can be done for children in Tiverton addicted to drugs? Since physical, mental and social factors are involved, counseling for patient and parent is a necessity. If the problem is detected early, then the solution may not have to be as severe. Sometimes the child is not heavily addicted and only a few sessions of counseling are needed. Tiverton residential treatment is given for severely addicted children. Here group counseling and discussion help children who seek emotional support.
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